I set some friends up with squeeze horns for their trip to Burning Man 2011. Some photos coming back now. Will add more as they come available.

Shortly after arrival.

Getting into the swing of things now.

I set some friends up with squeeze horns for their trip to Burning Man 2011. Some photos coming back now. Will add more as they come available.
Shortly after arrival.
Getting into the swing of things now.
Howdy! Recently found a brass double-twist Torpedo horn that just below the Torpedo engraving says “M.E. DEPOSE” figure it was for an old car, but? Love the old horns on the playa- brought many a rubber bulb to Black Rock City that came back dried out! I can send some pictures of the horn if you are interested in helping me identify. Thanks! Honk, Honk…
Interesting! Sure I’d love to see some shots. john@squeezehorns.com Also, did you have a look around my vintage squeeze horns page? I don’t recall any manufactured by an M.E. DEPOSE, but if you find a similar looking horn we might have some clues… https://www.squeezehorns.com/2020/vintage-squeezehorns/