Vintage Squeezehorns

Back in the day they were called bulb horns and were the standard horn on pre-war cars. Somewhere along the line they began to be called squeeze horns. This begs the question… Who was the first clown to use a squeeze horn (was it Harpo?) because nowadays they’re also referred to as clown horns.
From Bonham’s auction house! Beautiful ‘bulb horns’ from the early 1900s.


A brass bodied double-twist bulb horn.
A brass three-trumpet “Le Testophone” bulb horn
A veteran eight-trumpet bulb horn, French, circa 1910
A ‘Le Testaphone’ six trumpet bulb horn by Cicca, French, patented 1908
A four trumpet bulb horn
A coiled body horn by Rubres, French


A fine eight-trumpet “Le Testophone” bulb horn by Cicca, French, circa 1909
A fine brass four-trumpet “Le Testophone” bulb horn, French, circa 1909
A wide trumpet running board mounted horn
A replica Boa Constrictor snake’s head horn
A coiled body horn by Nonpariel, French
A rare combination horn and siren by Stenor Sirene, Paris
Hand-crank Klaxon, want one! An Edwardian hand-cranked klaxon trumpet horn
A rare ‘Central Python’ brass bulb horn, French
A Lucas No 38 King of the Road bulb horn with mirror
Cicca Horn
A rare Lucas ‘King of the Road’ No.40 single-twist bulb horn, circa 1903
An ‘Etienne Le Testaphone’ four-trumpet bulb horn
A Desmo double twist bulb horn
A Boa Constrictor bulb horn
Hand operated Klaxon
A Le Testaphone seven trumpet bulb horn, French, circa 1910
A fine double turn brass bulb horn
A Boa Constrictor bulb horn
A Lucas double-twist bulb-horn Japanned Black
A Rotax ‘Clarion’ double-twist bulb horn
An Autovox horn
A Le Serpentin bulb horn
An Escargot type bulb horn
A Perfecta double twist bulb horn
A fine and rare miniature snake’s head bulb horn by C & C Paris, circa 1902
A rare British Lion horn ‘trumpet’, British, circa 1905
Rare trompe automobile à seize tons, Française, circa 1910
A veteran Autovox brass double-twist horn
An ‘Schnecke’ type horn by Haeckel
A L’Autovox horn, French, patented 1908
A four-tone bulb horn by Sigval
A fine ‘Le Testaphone’ four trumpet bulb horn by Cicca, French, patented 1908-09
A L’Autovox horn
A large double twist bulb horn
A Goliath bulb horn
An early four-note ‘Tenor’ 6 Volt electric brass trumpet horn, by Cicca, French
A dual, air and electric, brass, Klaxon horn
A double twist bulb horn
A Goliath bulb horn
A brass three-trumpet “Le Testophone” bulb horn, French
A ‘Le Testaphone’ six trumpet bulb horn by Cicca, French, patented 1908
A large Boa Constrictor trumpet horn, British

Author: John Runs This Place

We love squeeze horns! Especially the brass honkers we import from India! A labor of love. Happy Honking!

6 thoughts on “Vintage Squeezehorns”

  1. I have two “Le Testophone” (made by Cicca) 4-horn, bulb horns in for repairs at the moment. Interesting mechanism for the note changes. I don’t suppose you have any further info on these particular horns? I saw an old Bonhams auction that included an original instruction sheet/manual, I wish there was a copy!

    Would be fascinating to make one from scratch but I’m sure the market just isn’t there!
    Best, From the UK.

    1. Hi Dan, Sorry just seeing this now. Yes it’s hard to believe they had attained such a high level of craftmanship and then more or less disappeared. I’m guessing that some of the expertise ended up in musical instruments. I will keep an eye out for the manual. Best, John

  2. Wow.Seems like someone would make replicas of hand cranked aoogha klaxons,and some 4-5 trumpet squeezers.Wow.R.

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