In response to comment below…
Sir, you are in luck! While not the exact horn. I do have, in my personal collection, one large Taxi horn and I am attaching an mp3 for your listening pleasure.
Very Big Squeeze Horn:
Reader KP writes:
Hi John,
Found your website content very good and exciting! I had been to a vintage car rally in Pune, India and found an ample-sized horn attached to a 1969 Italian Piaggio “autorickshaw” (a 3-wheeler for public transport). I’m not sure about its size, but it must be somewhere around 24-30 inches long. I have attached a few pics of the vehicle with the horn. The sound was thunderous and kids enjoyed squeezing it. The owner said he had to import the horn from UK. I tried searching online but couldnt find any of this giant size.Keep up the good work!RegardsKP

KP also had suggestions for the site especially around how I can accommodate contributions. I mentioned I’m in the process of building a Facebook page and hopefully will have something up in the next week or so. In the meantime please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email john[AT]
Thanks KP! Much appreciated.