Squeeky Blue Schwinn Squeeze Horn

The benefits of a small, squeeky horn like this is that they feel ‘friendly’. Actually, I have 3 squeeze horns on my bike. A big 14″ honker for when I really need to get some attention. The small squeeze horn when I’m just intending to alert somebody, especially a pedestrian. And a mini squeeky horn just for fun with kids and dogs mostly. But I’m on the bike path a lot and the weekends are crazy with tourists who don’t know how it all works.

Squeeze Horn Sounds and Ringtones!

Well then. I took some time this evening to create a collection of Squeeze Horn sounds and (iphone, I would imagine they’ll work anywhere) ringtones. If you’re a sound person, you might like to download the larger 16 bit 44.k wav file (8.3 MB all sounds in a single file).  But for fun here are the mp3 clips and ringtones.

Duckish squeeze horn:

mp3 ringtone

Fat honking squeeze horn

mp3 ringtone

Goosey honk squeeze hor

mp3 ringtone

Loud bright squeeze horn

mp3 ringtone

Medium honk squeeze horn

mp3 ringtone

Sharp little squeeze horn

mp3 ringtone

Soft dark squeeze horn

mp3 ringtone


Harpo And His Trusty Squeeze Horn!

Harpo Marx! Do you know him? I got lost the other day wandering through the interwebs tracking down an old friend, Harpo Marx. I would have been a child when I first saw some of the Marx Bros. movies and I’m wondering now if Harpo first introduced me to squeeze horns way back then. Have a quick peak.

One leads to another and then some Wikipedia (where they call it a ‘bulb horn’) and then… Harpo’s Place! Harpo’s family have a tribute site where you can read all about Harpo, his family, and the whole Marx Bros. story. There are some great audio clips too. Of course I was especially interested to find pictures of Harpo’s trusty walking cane with built-in squeeze horn.

You can see it in action here…

I don’t think it would be too difficult to make one of these! Will post when I get it built.